Hi, Im Simon

Actor, Writer & Filmmaker

Born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden. Educated at the prestigious Academy of Drama in Gothenburg, Sweden. And Prague Film School in the Czech Republic.

Besides working as an actor. I write novels and direct short films. Some of them have travelled the world and received prices at festivals.

My passion is storytelling. Which for me, is a journey of self-discovery and connection with others.

When we dare to be bold and write truthfully from our personal human experience.

Our stories have a tendency to expand beyond imagination and connect with people.

On this blog I talk about Storytelling, DIY Filmmaking and Acting.

To help you improve and elevate your performance. Be it through text, images or on stage.

My expertise: Acting, Writing & Filmmaking
Where to find me: Youtube, Instagram

Who I am

Growing up in a singel parent household with little guidance from adults. I quickly found myself in trouble as a kid, stealing and doing anything basically to spike my adrenaline.

If you would have told me that I would perform on stage in front of thousands of people later in life, I would have laughed.

Back then I was so far away from anything connected to film and theatre. That was something you saw on television or read about in the news.

But one day as I went about my business as usual, something happened that eventually would steer me towards the arts.

I was caught stealing, and was given two choices by the local policeman. Either I joined the local theatre group for kids or a basketball team. Or he would make sure I was legally penalised.

For some reason I chose the theatre group, probably because I had seen my older brother acting in a school play.

And so I joined the group and we did our first performance a couple of weeks later.

Right after the performance, my friends mom said “Simon, maybe you could become an actor.”

If she only knew, what that comment put into motion.

The photo on the left, is actually taken right after the performance back in 2001. Im happy I didnt know how far away I was from making a career withing the arts for myself.

My perception of what it means to be an actor, has changed many times since then. And continues evolving.

I prefer to see myself as a storyteller. Sometimes taking the backseat as a writer or editor, and other times I’m in the forefront of a production in front of the camera lens. It doesn’t really matter to me.

In the modern digital landscape, artists have been given more tools that can elevate our messages.

AI will be a part of the digital production landscape, and personally I’m not at all worried it will hurts us, quite the opposite actually.

For me, storytelling is about spiritual growth just as much as its about entertainment. The most powerful creators are the ones who involve their self-discovery into their storytelling.

Connecting with an audience is impossible, if we don´t connect with ourself´s first.